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RewardSystem is a popular versatile Minecraft plugin designed to enhance server gameplay by providing customizable rewards when players defeat mobs. The plugin monitors player damage contributions to each mob and distributes rewards based on various configurable criteria.
For detailed informations, please refer to the our Gitbook Wiki.
Dynamic Reward System: Customize rewards based on mob types, player participation, and damage dealt
Mathematical Expression: Create complex probability-based rewards using mathematical expressions with player variables
Multiple Reward Tiers: Configure different reward tiers based on player participation and damage
Special Last Hit Rewards: Provide unique rewards to players who deliver the final blow
World & Region Filtering: Restrict rewards to specific worlds or regions using WorldGuard integration
Custom Messages: Configure detailed reward messages with color codes and formatting
Minimum Damage Requirements: Set minimum damage thresholds for reward eligibility
Mob Name Filtering: Trigger different rewards based on custom mob names
PlaceholderAPI Support: Utilize player placeholders in reward calculations and messages
Debug Mode: Comprehensive logging options for troubleshooting
RewardSystem is popular and reliable source. This resource has +45 paid customers.
Marketplace: Available on select Minecraft plugin marketplaces:
1. Download the latest release from GitHub or your preferred marketplace
2. Place the JAR file in your server's plugins directory
3. Restart your server
4. Edit the configuration files in the plugins/RewardSystem directory to customize your reward system
The plugin uses a YAML-based configuration system that is highly customizable. Here's a basic example: Example Config File
rewardsystem.admin.resetcooldown - Permission to use reset cooldown command
rewardsystem.reload - Permission to reload the plugin
/rewardsystem reload - Reloads the plugin configuration
/rewardsystem cooldown reset - Reset cooldown for a player for a specific mob
For support, feature requests, or bug reports, please open an issue on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.